And in a rare moment of activism …

A letter to our new president requesting changeThose who know me well know that I’m not a joiner or a mover or a shaker. I don’t contribute to causes, especially not political causes. I prefer to be left to my own devices and tend to grant others the same courtesy.

But today I wrote a letter to a government official, something I hadn’t done since I wrote to Nixon hoping to get a reply on presidential letterhead. (Which worked, by the way, but that’s another story.) The letter I wrote today was to Barack Obama asking him to end our government’s absurd silence regarding UFOs. This is my contribution to the “Million Fax on Washington” that Stephen Bassett (X-Conference, Paradigm Research) is promoting, the idea of it being to get all of us who say we want disclosure to put our printers where our mouths are. I’ve always wanted to have an FBI file, and may have one already, but this letter should remove any doubt. (Click image to download the letter in PDF file format.)