Christmas break

Proposed design for official show shirt for our production of Hamlet. (Click image for larger version in new window.)
Proposed design for official show shirt for our production of Hamlet. (Click image for larger version in new window.)

Before we left for our Christmas break, Mike Brocki asked me to design a show shirt for our production. I was glad to oblige and Mike likes the design I rendered. (His actual words were, “Holy crap. It’s PERFECT.”) Now it needs to pass muster with Peggy Taphorn, Rick St. Peter and probably several other members of the Temple staff before we can take orders from the cast and send the job to the screen printer.


In a 12/22 NY Times article titled “A highly evolved propensity for deceit,” Natalie Angier reminds us that we’re hard-wired not only to tell lies, but to believe them. This latter I assume is the non-adaptive side effect of our very adaptive ability to visualize consequences. Many hold that “overactive imaginations” (and exactly where do we draw the line on that one, anyway?) account for everything from spiritualism to altruism, a point of view which, while intellectually attractive, holds no intuitive appeal whatsoever. How convenient for me that I make my living in theater and advertising.