Fresh start

My walks into town these last few mornings have been especially pleasant and I give credit for that to the change of seasons. Mornings in the 40s and highs in the 60s. My kinda weather. Oh … and another change of seasons … this one theatrical: Centre Stage has chosen its 2010-11 lineup of shows. Three comedies, a mystery and two musicals. Daffodils, quince and camellias. Newness everywhere. And I attended my first owners association meeting last night at Mills Mill. I felt a sense of community, everybody on the same side, all of us members of a winning team and interested in keeping things clean and attractive and in perfect working order. My kinda peeps.


I have a new favorite radio station, thanks to the Tivoli Networks Portal. Fluid Radio calls itself “experimental,” but it feels ambient to me and that’s how Tivoli classifies it.