Production company in a box

The portable video studio awaiting its first interview subject at its first location shoot. (Click image to up-rez.)
The portable video studio awaiting its first interview subject at its first location shoot. (Click image to up-rez.)

FernCreek Creative‘s video-production-company-in-a-box (in a car, actually) launched last week, shooting five interviews and a workshop for the Applied Theatre Center at North Greenville University. Tomorrow, we’ll shoot three more interviews at a different location and that, as they say, will be a wrap.

We’ll then use the footage to produce a total of five shorts, one promoting ATC’s June conference and the others highlighting each of ATC’s four team members.

The first of the four has been completed and is embedded here, but I suggest that you click through to YouTube (by clicking the YouTube logo on the video’s playback bar) and watch it there at 1080p. That’s the best way to appreciated the quality of what we’re doing, or aspiring to, even as we continue to triangulate with the equipment.

Likely or confirmed gigs beyond ATC include work for a service organization, a gardening group, a children’s home and an event organizer. Sorry to be so vague, but if I told you anything more, I’d have to kill you.


I drove up to Roanoke this weekend unaware that Cirque du Soleil would be performing just a few blocks from my hotel, yet somehow I ended up on the second row at Quidam.

Everything about the production, from the astoudingly gifted acrobats to the orchestra (or should I say band?) to the Vegas-worthy production standards … even unto and beyond the disarming expressions on the performers’ faces as they took their final bows … what I saw in Roanoke was practically perfect in every way. My highest praise, though, is meaningful only to those who know me well enough to know that I leave shows at intermission routinely and almost never give anything a standing ovation. This show was an exception. And please stop hating on me.