
The Java Express was open for business this morning, despite a thick blanket of snow covering the city. (Click images for larger versions in new window.)
The Java Express was open for business this morning, despite a thick blanket of snow covering the city. (Click images for larger versions in new window.)
 View across Moore Street outside Java ExpressTemple's copper marqueeThe James House of a snowy winter's morne

Sanford woke up to a six-inch-thick blanket of snow this morning and tomorrow, after a predicted overnight low of 20 degrees, will wake up to a blanket of frozen slush. Both should be gone by our Thursday matinee, though, sparing Temple’s fragile revenue stream any interruption. On the other hand, Sanford residents unaccustomed to such interesting weather might not leave their bomb shelters until the weekend, which would impact Thursday sales … but I have no idea how people in this part of the state respond to snow. I do consider it a hopeful sign that Java Express was open at its usual early hour and doing a moderately brisk business. The owner says he’ll try to open on time tomorrow, but admits that ice is a greater obstacle to doing so than snow.


We’ll have a new president in about an hour. It’s tempting to call my Obamaniacal friend Peter Saputo just as the swearing in ceremony begins, but I’ll send him an email instead.