
Routines come and routines go. It can be good when they, go, I think.
At the conclusion of my second straight week of “making do” without Centre Stage, I’m pleased to report that I’ve overcome just about all of the practical disadvantages kicked up by the separation. I now park in the County Square lot behind the Governor’s School, for example, and the difference in distance to my favorite downtown haunts is negligible.
I’ve yet to find another place where it’s okay for me to fall asleep on a couch, but in tradeoff I’ve rediscovered Falls Park and the coffee shop there called Spill the Beans. It opens at 6:30 a.m., which rocks. It also has a ginormous picture window and plenty of upholstered furniture.
Now to find another clique of like-minded souls that I can hover near without obligation, implication, expectation or time constraints. A scarce commodity, that.
Grungy angels
Just finished watching the movie “Legion.” God has lost His faith in mankind and sends Michael the Archangel to wipe the slate clean. But Michael chooses to give God “what He needs,” rather than “what He wants,” drawing the ire of Gabriel and a legion of nasties. A battle ensues. A baby is born. Mary and Joseph drive their station wagon into the sunrise with a trunkload of automatic weapons. I kinda liked it.