
 My snowbound civic, Monday, January 10, 2011
 SCSBA 2DAC brochure

Talking over coffee and hotel breakfast bar food with Boston playwright Peter Snoad this morning, I was surprised but not surprised to hear him opine that one good creative outlet is about like any other. In other words, the important thing is to have a satisfying creative outlet. The nature of the outlet is secondary.

Peter is in town to see his play Identity Crisis produced at Centre Stage as winner of the 2010 New Play Festival.

Like me, Peter is a person whose muse isn’t faithful to any one artform. He segued from acting to play writing. I segued from acting to marketing and learned long ago that the muse brooks no contradiction.

Other actors sometimes ask me, “Don’t you miss being on stage?” It’s an odd question. When did I leave? Did I? I don’t think I did. I do go through phases, some longer than others, but while it’s true that the current phase doesn’t involve much stagework, another phase could kick in at any moment.


Chris White and I had lunch last week. I’d forgotten about the gluten-free chebe rolls they have at Cafe Paulista. Delish. I’d also forgotten what a truly personable man Chris can be. We talked for almost two hours and the delayed effect of our conversation is that we may do a project together this year. Something of a filmic nature.


Snow outside my condo. Sleet ensued.View from window of snow fallingGreenville woke up January 10 to six inches of snow. It’s ugly now, and treacherous, but it was beautiful Monday morning.


Another print project goes to bed this week. This one is for SCSBA’s annual 2DAC event, an opportunity for school board members to press state legislator flesh.