
A public defender has been appointed. A former JAG officer. Luck of the draw.

Today I’ll email a member of the Craig family, my first contact with any of them ever, to ask if what Michael’s friends and I have done so far is welcome. We’ve visited, sent books, written letters and deposited money in his Detention Center bank account. We’re checking his post office box and storing his car. Should we have asked them first? Do they think we’re a bunch of pushy activists?

We want to coordinate with the family’s efforts, not duplicate them. We also don’t want to breed any discontent on this side of the fence. Heavy lifting ahead.


On to other topics …

Next week, I hope to have lunch with Chris White. I missed the rough-cut screening of Taken In, so lunch will give us a chance to catch up on each other’s lives. In that same vein, Johnny Price and I have been threatening to visit Peter Saputo in Tryon for months. Maybe that will happen next week, too. When “The Event” airs on Monday night, I’ll be watching it chez Koonce, as per usual, minus Mr. Craig. Maybe they’ll let him watch it in jail.

(Hmm. I said “on to other topics,” didn’t I?)