Conspiracy nuts

I watched two unpatriotic documentaries today: “Inside Job” and “For Love of Water.” They brought to mind something that an old friend said recently. He said that when he was much younger, he believed that the world was run by a few old men under a mountain. Figuratively speaking. He went on to say that he wishes he’d never thought that way, that it was a waste of time. He’s very pragmatic.
“Inside Job” is about the banking crisis and “For Love of Water” is about the commoditization of water. It’s a very short leap – a bunny hop, in my opinion – from films like these to the so-called “conspiracy nut” polemics produced by people like Alex Jones. I’m sympathetic to all of them, Jones included, because I’m more than half convinced that the old men under the mountain are real.
Like my friend, I don’t much care who’s in charge, as long as they leave me alone. Unlike my friend, however, I harbor a morbid fascination for the proceedings. Sometimes they disgust me. Or infurate me. But usually not for very long and never for long enough that I’m inspired to do anything that might make a difference. Unless you count blogging. And boycotting certain products and services.