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And then there are the natural beauties among us.
Acadia Katz, for example.
Five frames into her first outdoor photo shoot, she struck the classic studio pose, the one that pet photographers spend hours coaxing out of their subjects with dangly things. But in Acadia’s case, the dangly thing was a bumble bee and all I had to do was lie down in the grass beside her and press a button. (Oh … For those who keep track of such things: ISO 200, 1/80 sec, f/3.5, no strobe, manual, Canon G10. Yes, I’m still rocking a four-year-old prosumer point-n-shoot, haters.)
The goal, arguably unattainable before Bar Harbor shuts down for the 2012 season, is to travel by car with Acadia to spend a week or two visiting her namesake. Unfortunately, that window of opportunity closes by the third or fourth week in October, which means that I’d have to get my 19-week-old kitten thoroughly harness trained, car trained and crowd-proofed in less than a month.
Okay, okay, I know.
The 2013 season opens in May.
I’d love to know what makes Philip K. Dick so darned readable. Really. It isn’t the sex or the chase scenes, that’s for sure.
Whatever it is, I started The World Jones Made this morning and didn’t put it down until after lunch, and then only because my bladder was about to explode.