Ocracoke, Day #3

We ate the last of my Zillie’s haul for lunch today. Acadia declined the inexpensive brie, but enjoyed the much costlier prosciutto. Somehow she knows. (Click image to find Waldo.)
As seen from our balcony, a one o'clock storm moves in across Pamlico Sound.The temperature dropped 10 degrees almost instantly.
Zillie's on a gray day. Purveyors of fine comestibles, including Bentiman's ginger beer.
Reading Jim Marrs' Alien Agenda while clouds gather over Ocracoke. There's a cat in the chair to my right.
The NC Center for the Advancement of Teaching's Ocracoke campus overlooks Silver Lake harbor.

It rained this morning and more is expected this afternoon, so except for a quick start-of-business visit to Ocracoke Coffee Company, I spent the first half of the day puttering inside. Then I polished off the last of last night’s haul from Zillie’s — prosciutto, brie and rice crackers — after which Acadia went berserkers.

Oh, shit, I thought. Should I not have given her that little piece of cured ham? She’s pawing at her face and there’s a horrible string of drool dangling from her mouth. God dammit. And now she’s leaping around the room like she’s on fire. Is there an emergency vet anywhere on the island? Have I killed her? Oh shit shit shit shit shit.

Then I saw a familiar insect crawling up the balcony window. Could that have been …?!

Grab cat. Sniff breath. Heave sigh of relief.


Won’t be bothering any of those again, will you, Miss Katz? Damn your furry hide.