Dream Diary
A woman and I are being pursued by unknown assailants. In an interior hall on the second floor of an older wood frame house, I tell her that I love her and she says she love me, too. We’ve known each other for a long time, but might not have said this to each other before. She’s wearing a light gray pants suit.
The walls of the hall are white-painted beadboard and I notice peripherally that there are several large light gray panels on the walls.
In another second-floor room of the house, we decide to try escaping through an open window, but she’s startled to see what we first assume is a surveillance device floating right outside in broad daylight, just beyond the white curtains. I look more closely and determine that it isn’t a surveillance device, although I don’t know what it is. It’s shaped like a wig stand, generally the shape of a human head, although flatter from side to side, and black in color, possibly made of plastic, and the entire “face” area is a transparent “shield” inside of which I see glowing red circuitry. In the dream, I find this curious, but not frightening.
We leave through the window and I feel some anxiety about lowering myself onto the roof by holding onto white cords connected to the window treatment.
The word “immigrant” seems to be associated with the reason for the pursuit, not because we’re immigrants, but perhaps because immigrants are somehow the cause of some other trouble afoot. I remember having the situation explained to me earlier in the dream, possibly in a car, maybe by the woman, and interrupting the explanation in a “cut to the chase” vein by interjecting the word.

Reading now: Your Soul’s Plan by Robert Schwartz
Read last: The Return of the King by J.R.R. Tolkien