Dream Diary
SCENE 1: I’m attending class in a vintage high school building … wooden floor, plaster walls, large windows, standard school desks. Vey much like the high school I attended in waking life.
All the students in the class are adults. I tell one of them that I’m going to take the day off and explain that I don’t mean the rest of the day today, since it’s already 2 o’clock and I’ve been there for 8 hours, but the whole day tomorrow. This is a very freeing, exciting idea, the realization that because I’m an adult, I can just take a day off if I want to. The student asks me whether I know the difference between Northern civil rights and Southern civil rights. I tell him no and wait for him to explain. This question seems to pertain to whatever we’re supposed to be learning.
SCENE 2: I’m preparing to take a bath in my car by first putting up pieces of corrugated cardboard in the windows and using the sun visors to hold the cardboard in place. I’m concerned that I won’t have enough cardboard to achieve the necessary privacy. Indeed, I do find myself coming up short.
SCENE 3: I’m walking up a steep residential road in a nice neighborhood and am excited to see that, running along the right side of the road, there’s a structure intended to help people get uphill more easily. It consists of scores of cables held in a cylindrical array 6 or 7 feet in diameter that stretches all the way up the hill and beyond. The cables are supported at intervals by large tubular steel loops and the array is close to the ground, making it possible for people to step “inside” it so that they’re among the cables. They then use the cables to pull themselves uphill, which I see some people doing at a surprisingly fast clip. The array is such that people can easily pass one another within it, too, which seems remarkable to me in the dream. I continue walking up the residential road, but do not use the cable array, although I continue to be fascinated by the technology. I’m also disappointed to see that the quality of the houses declines the farther up the street I go. Some of the houses are in ruins.

Reading now: Don Quixote by Miguel Cervantes
Read last: The Factory by Hiroko Oyamada