Dream Diary
I’ve just arrived on Earth with a small and apparently rogue human-but-extraterrestrial invasion. I have the vague sense that we’re from Mars and that we’re not supposed to be invading. I’m one of the invaders.
Everyone in my landing party but me is inside an office building that we’ve taken over; I’m outside watching for the non-rogue landing party that’s pursing us. I have a hand-held device with an antiquated LED screen that I’m using to monitor air traffic when suddenly I see on it that a large fleet of ships is descending on the west coast of Florida. I call this in to the rest of my party just as a pursuit ship touches down on the building’s front lawn. It’s very retro, this ship, basically a big silver rocket that sits on its tail fins, and the officials who emerge from it are equally retro … B-movie retro … men and women wearing baggy silvery costumes, colorful capes and silly helmets. When the “wives” arrive from the ship, they’re riding in a white golf cart loaded up with what appears to be food and folding chairs and so on, as if they’re going to a picnic.

Reading now: Middlemarch by George Eliot
Read last: A Personal Matter by Kenzaburo Oe