
Heat lately … near triple digit temperatures that bode ill for July and August. Yet I slog about on foot, which I prefer to do whenever practical, backpack crammed with projects and distractions. Come on, autumn. Come on.
On a more cheerful note, everybody seems pleased with the 2011 Chautauqua Festival campaign materials we produced. Web site, ads, outdoor board, newsletter, radio and television appearances, etc. Maybe we’ll do it again next year as part of a more long-range plan. Maybe we’ll do something similar for Dale Savidge’s Applied Theatre Center. Bids are being submitted. Discussions are underway. Budgets are tight, too, however, so …
Talked for a while with Chris White this week. He’s screening “Taken In” for backers and friends around South Carolina and he reports “much love” thus far. I’ve yet to see it, so I reserve comment. If it turns out to be the next “Blair Witch Project,” I’ll kick myself for signing away any hope of “financial or other remuneration for recording me, either for initial or subsequent transmission or playback.”
What was I thinking?
Ah, well.